Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Learnings 101: Basic Photoshop Settings | Colors

Basic Photoshop Settings

In order to reset the settings of the Photoshop hold Ctrl + Alt + Shft (for PC) or Cmd + Option + Shft (for Mac), click the Adobe Photoshop application then choose Yes.

To set the settings: (For Mac)
Go to Photoshop and choose Preferences. You can also use the shortcut key Cmd + K

In File Handling make sure that you choose Always for Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility so that if ever you are using a higher version of Photoshop and you're going to transfer in a lower version you still have the settings.

For File Extension always use the lower case instead. File extensions in upper case will not work or load in the web.

The performance of your computer will depend on how large is your Scratch Disk. See to it that you will always have a free space for the application's computing space. RAM is the amount of memory assigned to Photoshop. This is where your OS will base the speed of the application.

In setting your History the application can have 1000 states but it will eat up the memory and can hang your application. Cache is the temporary memory.

For the Cursor it is advisable and it is easier to use the normal brush tip,

To make you ruler visible you can use the shortcut key Cmd + R or go to View and then Ruler. For print use the unit Inches, it is the basic unit of measure and we are more familiar to it.

Print Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
Screen Resolution: 72 pixels/inch

Smallest point for typography is 8pt = 12 pixels in web

Guides are very helpful in doing a project like for setting a margin or aligning stuffs. Just drag from your ruler (both vertical and horizontal) to your working area. It is in Cyan color but you can change if to one's desire.

Smart Guides are well smarter than guides, it is in color Magenta but can be changed if desired. Smart Guides can identify the center and the alignment of stuffs.

Color Settings
sRGB (for web) < Adobe RGB 1998 < ProPhoto RGB (larger color space)

The dot gain will depend on how absorbent is the paper.
Spot Color are the colors you cannot have with just RGB like neon and gold.

Colors and its Meanings

aloof fragrant royal melancholic feminine intelligent luxurious solemn vain

deep cold clean technical lonely peaceful protective authoritative

patient natural adventurous relaxed athletic unfortunate balanced lucky safe sharing

helpful burning cozy abundant warning flavorful festive active excite communicative inspiring food

dynamic vital romantic commanding alert rebellious complementary joyful visible hot fun food

creative young visible bright cheerful light weight curious coward playful nutritious ill expanding

Bright colors can cause tension

RGB main colors for digital + B & W = more than 16.8 million colors
CMY main colors  for print + B & W = more than 16.8 million colors

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